

Book Reviews
I enjoyed Jennifer S. Brown’s Modern Girls from the first page, but at the halfway point I became a reader obsessed. This 1920s historical novel explores the give and take of motherhood, women’s rights, and the weight of family traditions. When a single careless night leaves Dottie pregnant by a man other than her boyfriend she wrestles to find an outcome that will maintain her reputation without affronting her faith.… Brown writes with a smart yet intimate tone. One of many gems I highlighted reads, “It was possible, I found, to both mourn a loss and yet be grateful it happened.” READ MORE …
Abby Fabiaschi - LitLovers

The novel is not only a nostalgic portrait of an earlier era but a feminist reminder of how limited and circumscribed were women’s opportunities and choices just a few generations ago.… Satisfying both emotionally and narratively.… Its suspenseful plot and warm emotional tone should appeal to a wide audience.
New York Journal of Books

With its compelling storyline, a well-researched historical setting, protagonists who are authentic and strong, and beautifully written prose, Modern Girls is, without a doubt, one of my favorite books of 2016 to date. The story drew me in from the very opening pages, and I was reluctant to let go of the characters once I finished the book. I predict it has a bright future as a book club favorite.
Historical Novels Review

A moving debut, portraying the sacrifices a mother and daughter make in order to save face for their family.

In 1935, as women in America strive for the rights to work, to vote, and to lead independent lives, a Jewish mother and daughter face unwanted pregnancies.… A cleareyed view of the sharp, difficult choices facing women on the cusp of equality.
Kirkus Reviews