

Author Bio
Birth—September 26, 1945
Raised—Redwood City, California, USA
Education—B.A., Stanford University; M.A., San Francisco State University
Currently—lives in Tempe, Arizona

In her words:
You’ve taken the "Ice Bucket Challenge." Now read about a family trying to deal with the seismic shock of an ALS diagnosis. This book is brand new.

As readers will surely guess, this novel had its beginnings in my own experience. I had just returned to writing when my son-in-law was diagnosed with ALS. I found myself immersed in an almost daily battle against Fate. How to relieve the stress on my daughter so that she could be a good mother to her kids? How to care for a man who became increasingly hard to deal with? How to get enough sleep, for heaven’s sakes. The one tiny sword I had to fight this battle was my writing. I used it to center myself. I hoped that making art would allow me to gain control over a tragedy unfolding before my eyes.

What you should know about me is that I’m not a beginning writer, nor a young one. I’ve racked up many prizes in literary magazines, including the Barry Hannah Prize, the ALR Fiction Prize, the Matt Clark Prize, the Ron Rash Award, and most recently, the Jeanne Leiby Award. A collection of my short stories will be published in 2015. I would love to participate with any book group that wants to read this novel and discuss it. (From the author.)

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