

Book Reviews
In novel after novel, Lisa Scottoline has proven herself a master of stories that combine familial love—especially that of mothers for their children—with nail-biting stories of spirited everywomen bent on finding the truth. Her new novel, Most Wanted, demonstrates again her skill with this kind of domestic suspense tale.
Washington Post

This is a potboiler of a book, crammed full of agonizing choices confronting appealing, relatable characters. Scottoline has penned more hardboiled tales, but never one as heartfelt and emotionally raw, raising her craft to the level of Judith Guest and Alice Hoffman. Most Wanted is a great thriller and a gut-wrenching foray into visceral angst that is not to be missed.
Providence Journal

The plot is strongest when focusing on the trials of a couple desperate for a child and the psychological ramifications of using a sperm donor. But too often the story sinks to the melodramatic, unredeemed by Scottoline’s usual verve for character.
Publishers Weekly

Scottoline has mastered the art of writing the story of an average mom forced into extraordinary action. Her relatable characters inspire empathy.... As has come to be expected, this is a page-turner that will satisfy the Scottoline faithful. —Madeline Dahlman, Deerfield P.L., IL
Library Journal

As usual, the complications aren't quite up to the level of the startling hook.... The fairy-tale ending calls for some convenient coincidences and changes of heart, but Scottoline's legion of fans will be too relieved to object.
Kirkus Reviews