

Book Reviews

Wonderful.... I had a great time reading [Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore], flew through it in one sitting.... The reader gets that deeply satisfying feeling of entering a wholly created world, and looking on in wonder as that world gets created by the author’s fearlessness and disregard for convention.... It’s a lot of fun, a real tour de force.
George Saunders - Blip Magazine

Sloan's debut novel takes the reader on a dazzling and flat-out fun adventure, winding through the interstices between the literary and the digital realms....From the shadows of Penumbra's bookshelves to the brightly lit constellation of cyberspace to the depths of a subterranean library, Sloan deftly wields the magicks (definitely with a "k") of the electronic and the literary in this intricate mystery.
Kirkus Reviews