

Author Bio
Birth—March 4, 1937
Where—Midland, Ontario, Canada
Education—Ryerson Polytechnic Institute; B.A., Trent
Awards—Giller Prize (Canada); Faber Memorial Prize (UK);
   Governor General's Award (Canada); Trillium Book Award
Currently—lives in St. Catherines, Ontario

Richard B. Wright, CM, is a Canadian writer who was born in Midland, Ontario, to Laverne and Laura (née Thomas). He graduated from Midland high school in 1956, and attended and graduated from Ryerson Polytechnic Institute in the area of Radio and TV arts in 1959.

Wright worked briefly within local newspapers and radio stations as a copywriter before becoming an assistent editor for MacMillan Canada in 1960.

During Wright's time at MacMillan his first book was published, a children's book titled Andrew Tolliver (Later retitled One John A. Too Many). His first full-length novel was titled The Weekend Man which was written in eighteen months while staying at his wife's family cottage in Quebec. The novel was a critical success with reviewers praising Wright's versatility and ability to speak and create believable female characters.

In 1970 Wright returned to post-secondary and attended Trent University from which he graduated in 1972 with a B.A. Of English. In 1976 Wright had obtained a position at Ridley College, a private school, teaching English until his eventual retirement.

While having being nominated for several literary awards before, it wasn't until 2001 that Wright gained wide recognition for his award-winning novel Clara Callan which also lead to the republication of many of his earlier works. That novel went on to win three of Canada's major literary awards: The Giller Prize , the Trillium Book Award and the Governor General's Award.

Literary Themes
Wright's published works often touch specifically on the lives of ordinary people with a profound balance of both depth and sensitivity. Wright has often been praised as an author who creates believable characters with a voice that must be heard. The Montreal Gazette is just one of many reviewers who have praised Wright’s work to the lengths of stating that his 2010 novel, Mr.Shakespeare’s Bastard is “A masterful novel...[which] confirms his ability to evoke an authentically female sensibility.” The novel has continued to gain recognition and was described by the Winnepeg Free Press as a novel that "Draws us swiftly through the pages...."

Wright also provides a narrative of pure life to his settings and character backgrounds that have continued to give him wide recognition as a Canadian novelist. His novels have been, and continue to be, published all around the world. In 2006 Wright received an Honorary Doctor of Letters from Trent University, and in 2007 he became a member of the Order of Canada Order of Canada.

Wright has been married to Phyllis Wright (née Cotton) since 1966. The couple has two sons, Christopher Stephen and Richard Andrew. He currently resides in St. Catherines Ontario where he writes full time and enjoys walking, reading and music. (From Wikipedia.)