

Discussion Questions
1. Do you think Boo Radley, somewhere and at some level, could have been prodded into finding the fortitude to leave Maycomb and strike out on his own?

2. Since the story is based on already existing characters from earlier writers, did you find each character, in new situations, remaining connected to his original portrayal?

3. Do you think Boo, however simple his life, found a real freedom, perhaps of the sort some of us might like to have?

4. Did you find a sense of Southern and Northern culture meeting?

5. Did you have any doubt, while reading, about Willy's fate?

6. Today's lives are radically different from Willy Loman's, obviously. Still, how alike with Willy's are our present lives in terms of drive, achieving what we want, and achieving what really matters?

7. What did you both learn outright and infer from both characters that perhaps you hadn't from the original works?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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