

Book Reviews
A scorching hot read…a chaise-lounge literary page-turner par excellence:  sexy, smart, well-plotted, jammed with observations witty and profound, and so well-written it occasionally leaves you gasping.
New York Newsday

A tricky book to categorize.  On the one hand, it’s a campus novel…At the same time, this is just the background against which the larger story unfolds.  What Choi is after is the elusive territory of experience, the way people and events imprint us when we’re young and then linger, exerting a subtle pressure over how we live our lives.
Los Angeles Times

The academic novel married to the novel of obsession is almost too pleasurable to contemplate, but that’s what this book is…Choi’s an extremely confident writer, and in My Education she beautifully explores the way a young person tries, and often fails, to navigate her budding and intersecting sexual, intellectual, and emotional lives.  The writing in this novel is masterful – but the book did something to me emotionally, too.  I felt like I was in an obsessive relationship with it. I wanted to read it all the time.
Meg Wolitzer -

Choi gets top marks for slyly re-inventing the affaire de l’Académie in My Education.
Vanity Fair

A fascinating examination of sexual politics and the many disguises of desire.
Daily Beast

Explores a young heart and its painfully naïve and bold ways…It’s The Graduate meets The L Word meets the Carey Mulligan flick An Education.
Marie Claire

The throes of an obsessive relationship allow a young graduate student to avoid growing up for a little while in Choi’s dark and stormy fourth novel.... Regina Gottlieb, anxious about being a new student in a prestigious graduate English program...embark[s] on a torrid, all-consuming affair.... Even as Regina loses her way, though, the narrative never lacks direction. Choi keeps the moments between her characters believable while building momentum toward the illicit lovers’ inevitable falling-out.
Publishers Weekly

Promising graduate student Regina Gottlieb finds herself attracted to her libertine professor, Nicholas Brodeur. However...instead [she] becomes physically entangled with Nicholas's wife, Martha.... Verdict: As with her previous novels, Choi's talent resides in her densely layered prose and her slowing down the pace to draw readers into the inner worlds of her characters. The result is a deeply human tale of intentional mistakes, love and lust, and the search for a clearer vision of one's self. —Joshua Finnell, Denison Univ. Lib., Granville, OH
Library Journal

The sexual initiation of a graduate student, who learns how much she does not know, in a novel that somehow feels both overstuffed (style) and undernourished (substance). From the reference in the first sentence to "a highly conspicuous man,"....Choi makes it obvious to the reader that the novel's rites of passage won't be confining this education to the classroom.... [Regina's] education leaves her by the end knowing even less than when she had started. There seems to be a happy ending here, though it's hard to be certain for whom.
Kirkus Reviews