

Discussion Questions
1. Nearly all ancient books have disappeared. If you were given a week to peruse an ancient library, plus the services of a translator, what information, what "mysterium," would you investigate?

2. What is the meaning of the name "Theophilus"? Was this name an intriguing hook for the opening of a novel? Who do you suppose the actual Theophilus was?

3. What visual images of first century Rome stand out for you in Mysterium: I Rome? Were there any that did not match your expectations?

4. Were you able to spot any anachronisms, or any items or attitudes that did not seem correct for the time and place?

5. Can you describe the important character who never appears, Paul? His appearance, attitudes, writings, entourage, experiences, and demise?

6. Another important character who never appears is Emperor Augustus. Can you remember the important points at which he is mentioned? Was your opinion of him favorable or otherwise?

7. What did you learn about the nature of the Vatican in ancient times?

8.  Can you name some good deeds and some evil deeds that were performed by various Roman emperors? What do you think of Roman imperial government?

9. What was the importance of the fact that the Colosseum was constructed using funds looted from the Temple of Jerusalem. What is your own feeling about each of these buildings?

10. Floralia claimed that Nero’s time was a time of novels, and mentioned one novel that was written at this time for Jews, and one novel that was written at this time for Romans. What do you know about, and think about, the literature of this period?

11. What clues existed that Luke and Paul were in league with Roman "insiders," and that they were endeavoring to make Christianity more palatable to the Roman establishment?

12. Who, in the novel, though not identified as such, was the fourth pope? What was the nature of his character and his teachings?

13. What is a codex and what are its advantages over a scroll? How was the world different when a major published work would be available in fifty copies? How has printing changed the world?

14. What shortcomings did many people see in the Book of Mark? What was his unflattering nickname? What evidence is there that he was unfamiliar with Judea?

15. What made Theophilus dislike Hadrian at first, and what made him change his mind? Did he seem to you to be a positive figure? Do you know what ultimately happened to him?

16. Pater Patrum, alias Papa, and his "peter stone," formed the beginnings of what institution? Does this scenario that is claimed by the novel seem convincing?

17. What are the major differences between the four New Testament gospels described in Mysterium:I Rome?

18. Compare and contrast the people of first century Rome with your contemporaries and peers.
19. Rank in order of importance three facts presented in this book. Rank and discuss the validity of three of the theories presented in the book.

20. What things which were commonly done during the first century in Rome are now considered offensive, barbaric, cruel, or immoral?

21. If you lived in the first century in Rome, what would a normal day be like? Expand on this: Discuss where you would fit in, in society. What might your life expectancy be? What politics would you espouse? What religion would you follow?

22. What are your spiritual beliefs? How do they compare to the spiritual beliefs of early Christians as portrayed in this book?

23. Describe the three main characters in this book. What else you you like to know about them?

24. What do you believe Theophilus will discover during his later journeying, to Greece, Asia, and Judea?
(Questions issued by the publisher.)

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