

Discussion Questions
1. Do you like the way The New Agenda goes back in time to when William Morray was a teenager? How did you feel about seeing the story through his eyes?

2. Do you feel any sympathy toward William or come out of the book with a better understanding about why he turned out the way he did?

3. Why do you think William wanted to win his father’s approval so badly? And do you think he ever overcame his feelings of inadequacy?

4. What were your feelings toward Dru in the beginning of the story? And how did they change by the end of the story?

5. Do you think Sarah did the right thing? What would you have done if you were in her situation?

6. What do you think about the elites and do you feel that this pertains only to the fictional world? Do you see elitism happening in the world today? Have you been affected by it?

7. Ava played more of a backseat role in this story. How did you feel about that?

8. William goes through a series of transformations. What were some of the bigger ones you noticed?

9. What are your thoughts on the budding relationship between John Dickson and Morray?

10. Although this type of upload technology doesn’t exist in our world today, do you think it’s something that is possible in the future?

11. Transhumanism is the development of technologies to enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Where do you stand on this topic? Do you think there could be potential danger?

12. Who would you like to see play what part if a movie or television series were to be made?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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