

Author Bio
Where—Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
Rasied—on Long Island, New York
Education—State Universit of New York-Buffalo
Currently—lives in New York City, New York

Stephanie Gangi is an American writer living in New York City. She was born in Brooklyn, New York, raised in Long Island, New York, and after a spell in the outer suburbs of Rockland County finds herself back living in New York, this time in Manhattan. Gangi received her B.A. from the State University of New York-Buffalo.

Gangi had her publishing debut years ago—a children's book titled Lumpy: A Baseball Fable, which she co-authored with New York Met pitcher, Tug McGraw. Her second book, a gossipy tell-all, was maddeningly lost, never to be found, and obviously never published. The Next, her debut novel (for adults), came out in 2016. Gangi is also a poet working on a compiling a chapbook. She is also at work on another novel. (Adapted from the author's webpage.)