

Author Bio
Where—Detroit, Michigan, USA
Education—M.S., WAyne State University; M.A., Marygrove College
Currently—lives in southeast Michigan

Veronica Dale is a former librarian with twenty-six years of experience in pastoral ministry. Her fiction has received recognition from Writer's Digest, Writers of the Future, the National League of American Pen Women, and five stars from readers. She released her short story collection Night Cruiser in December 2014 and plans to launch Blood Seed, the first volume of her epic fantasy-romance series Coin of Rulve, in the fall of 2015.
Many of her themes have roots in Carl Jung's concept of the shadow, insights of traditional and modern-day theologians, and J.R.R. Tolkien's idea of the "eucatastrophe," the belief that even the worst catastrophe can be redeemed. She's an enthusiastic member of a book discussion group held at her church. Even though Veronica has a ministerial background, romance writer Cynthia Harrison says she "never lectures or lets religion get in the way of her highly spiritual and deeply psychological message."
Dale is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the Alliance of Independent Authors, and Detroit Working Writers. (From the author.)

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