

Author Bio
Where—Steventon, Hampshire, England
Education—(The author's helper attended Princeton University,
   earning an A.B. degree)
Currently—lives in Richmond, California

About the author: The humble author of this volume finds herself much discomposed by her journey in the time travel device into which, in a moment of inattention to the niceties of comportment, she inadvertently strayed. She is even further bewildered by the world in which she finds herself; but, striving for the appearance at least of equanimity, is determined to inscribe a faithful record of all she observes here. Perhaps, by continuing to be true to her nature in such an odd circumstance, she will find her way home at last.

About the author's helper: Abigail Bok has been a Jane Austen addict since the age of thirteen, when she was given a collected edition of Austen's novels. She wrote her undergraduate thesis on one of Austen's unfinished novels, and published "A Dictionary of Jane Austen's Life and Work" as part of The Jane Austen Companion in 1986.

Imagine her astonishment when she discovered a more-surprised-than-pleased Miss Jane, suddenly transported into the late twentieth century and lost in America. But Ms. Bok immediately took her idol in hand and pledged to serve as her Cassandra, arranging all life's mundanities so that Miss Jane could turn her attention to what she does best--revealing with her pen all the inconsistencies and absurdities of daily life. This book is the result. (From the author's helper.)

For more information on An Obstinate, Headstrong Girl or to read an excerpt, kindly visit the website.  Follow the author's helper on Goodreads.