

Discussion Questions
1. OAAO is set in the late 1700's early 1800s. Does this time period work best for this story? Could this story happen today?

2. Audra thinks of herself as fat, ugly, and unloved by her family. Why do you think she feels this way? Did you ever feel this way while you were growing up --- as if you weren't actually a part of your own family? Do you think that’s a common feeling for some children?

3. Nate, Audra, Jack, and Joey commit a crime to save Audra from having to marry the Duke. Do you think this was the right move for them? Did the author over step the boundaries of her moral authority to make these teens commit such a horrible act?

4. Nate falls in love with 10-year old Audra nearly immediately. Is this possible? Was it love or gratitude? Have you ever had immediate chemistry with someone you've met, either in a friendship or a romantic relationship? Do you believe it's a physical response or an emotional one?

5. Audra is forced to kill her own brother in a fencing match to the death. Where do you think she found the strength, fortitude, or hatred (whatever you want to call it) to do that final, fatal action against her brother?

6. The author originally wrote this as a full romance novel, complete with sex scenes (still found in eBook version). She took them out to allow her daughter to read it. Do you feel it would have been better/worse/different with the sex scenes added back in? Which scenes? Lady Sarah seduces Nate and he spends that summer at the estate as her lover? Audra invites Nate to her (twice) before her marriage as she can't imagine if things fell through, giving herself first to Cleveland? In the bell tower of the church? Jack with Moira when the others left for the pub? Indy with Joey when she crept into his room?

7. If you were writing the ending of Nate and Audra's story, what would it be?

8. What did you think of Jack's interesting way of taking the jewels during the kidnapping? Did it do anything for the story? For Jack's character?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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