

Discussion Questions
1. Can anything justify a mother leaving her child? How did this affect your view of Emily throughout the novel?

2. Angel is the only character who knows both "Cat Brown" and the real Emily. Which personality did you connect more strongly to?

3. How far did the aesthetic description of Finsbury Park Palace affect your views about its occupants? What impression of London are you left with?

4. What do you think are Angel’s motivations in life? How did her relationship with Anthony alter your initial opinion of her?

5. There are four strong, but very different female characters (Frances, Emily, Caroline, and Angel) in this story. What makes each woman finally walk away from some part of their lives?

6. Did Emily’s personality change irreparably on 6th May 2010 in Chorlton, or is she still fundamentally the same person?

7. How did you feel when the truth about Emily’s past was revealed?

8. Ben and Emily found different ways of coping with the accident. Did you sympathise more with one than the other?

9. Emily says, "Don’t wish for too much, don’t expect too much, life doesn’t work like that." Is she right?

10. A lot of the characters are dealing with addictions in one way or another. How far do these addictions define their personalities?

11. Emily was discovered under tragic and shocking circumstances, but can people ever walk out of their lives completely, without leaving a trace?

12. The author wrote One Step Too Far as a love story. What do you think will happen next? Do Emily and Ben have happy ending?
(Questions issued by the publisher.)

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