

Discussion Questions 
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for Ordinary People:

1. Why the title? Clearly, it has thematic significance. I think a good discussion can be had by asking what Guest meant by her use of "ordinary." Is it ironic...or sincere. In other words are the Jarretts an ordinary family? How so...or how not so?

2. In the introduction above , Guest says she "wanted to explore the anatomy of depression." Does she do a good job? How realistic is her portrayal of what has become a much discussed mental health issue.

3. You might also trace Conrad's path to health, which is the crux of the story. What are the steps in his process of recovery.

4. Obviously, you'll want to discuss Beth Jarrette—on the surface an unsympathetic character. But Guest's characters are complex, rich in their emotional and psychological make-ups. Try to ascertain Beth's underlying motivations.

5. As Conrad's health improves, Calvin's relationship with Beth deteriorates. Are those two events related? What's going on, or not going on, in that marriage.

6. Watch selected clips from the superb 1980 movie with Mary Tyler Moore, Donald Southerland, and Timothy Hutton as Conrad. Directed by Robert Redford, it swept up the major film awards.

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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