

Discussion Questions
1. Which female character did you most identify with and why?

2. What role does Theodora the dog play in the story?

3. Do you think the Moon women's lives would have turned out differently if Gammy Bess had told them the truth about her pregnancy earlier, or are they bound to repeat family history?

4. Mariah is in a love/hate relationship with her mom, Allegra. How does this affect Mariah's relationship with Lindsay?

5. Suppose your child was gifted and the school wanted her to skip grades. What are some reasons to do that, and what are some reasons not to? How does a mom know when to take risks like that?

6. Pacific Grove is a real place. Have you visited it? Does the story make you want to see it, or move there? Where does someone over the age of forty find the courage to move to a totally new town?

7. What is the one pastry that you cannot turn down? Mine is almond filled croissants.
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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