

The Paris Secret 
Karen Swan, 2017
416 pp.

In this glittering tale of forgotten treasures and long-held secrets, international bestseller Karen Swan explores one woman’s journey to discovering the truth behind an abandoned apartment and a family whose mysteries may be better left undiscovered.

When high-powered fine art agent Flora Sykes is called in to assess objets d’art in a Paris apartment that has been abandoned since WWII, she is skeptical at first…

Then she realizes that the treasure trove of paintings is myriad — and priceless. The powerful Vermeil family to whom they belong is eager to learn more and asks Flora to trace the history of each painting.

Despite a shocking announcement that has left her own family reeling, Flora finds herself thrown into the glamorous world of the Vermeils. But she soon realizes there is more to this project than first appears.

As she researches the provenance of their prize Renoir, she uncovers a scandal surrounding the painting — and a secret that goes to the very heart of the family. The fallout will place Flora in the eye of a storm that carries her from London to Vienna to the glittering coast of Provence.

Xavier Vermeil, the brusque scion of the family, is determined to separate Flora from his family's affairs in spite of their powerful attraction to one another. Just what are the secrets he is desperately trying to hide? And what price is Flora willing to pay to uncover the devastating truth? (From the publisher.)

Author Bio
Karen Swan is a British author, married with three children, who lives in East Sussex, England. Writing in a treehouse overlooking the South Downs, she is the author of several novels: The Summer Without You, Christmas at Tiffany’s, The Perfect Present, and Paris Secret. Before turning to fiction, Swan was a fashion journalist. (From the publisher.)

Book Reviews
The central mystery is intriguing, and while the romantic subplot is weak, the rest of the book is compelling and the artwork is described in luscious detail. —Jennifer Mills, Shorewood-Troy Lib., IL
Library Journal

A former fashion editor, Swan brings an eye for detail to her descriptive prose. Offer this to fans of Sophie Kinsella’s Shopaholic series who may be looking for more sophistication.

The contrast between the moldy curtains and the colorful artwork gives the house an addictive … feel even before the skeletons emerge from the closet.… Behind the locked door are shocking secrets, an unlikely romance, and nail-biting intrigue—it’s definitely worth a peek.
Kirkus Reviews

Discussion Questions
We'll add publisher questions if and when they're available; in the meantime, please use our LitLovers talking points to help start a discussion for The Paris Secret ... then take off on your own:

1. How would you describe Flora Skyes? She could be considered a "no-nonsense" professional, a type many people find lacking in warmth or kindness. Is this the case with Flora, or is she a sympathetic character? Do you root for her?

2. Paris has often been called "the most beautiful city in the world." Does Karen Swan do a good job of bringing it alive for you? If you have been to Paris, do her descriptions ring true? Are they evocative of what you know or remember of the city? What about the other cities besides Paris that Flora visits?

3. Are you an art aficionado? If so, how well does the author write about the precious artwork in the novel? If you are not versed in art and/or art history, did you find the author's descriptions and in-depth analyses of the paintings interesting and understandable? Could you follow the descriptions ... or were you confused ... even a little bored?

4. At what point did you begin to suspect Nazi involvement in the artwork's history? Does knowing, from the author acknowledgments, that it was based on a news item deepen your appreciation of A Paris Secret?

5. Talk about the Vermeil family and each of its members. What do you think of them?

6. What were your first impressions of Natascha and Xavier? On meeting them, did you suspect that there was more to them than they presented to the world? Why or why not?

7. Do the book's central mystery and the novel in general live up to your expectations? What about the love affair? Is it necessary? Does it strengthen or weaken the storyline?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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