

Discussion Questions
1. Unfortunately, many marriages grow less exciting as the years pass by. If a woman is driven to the point of seeking attention from someone other than her husband, do you think she would be more likely to reignite an old flame or light a new one? What is the reasoning behind your thought?

2. Betty Boomer has many choices in dealing with her stale marriage. She can:

  • Stay with her boring but reliable husband.
  • Run off with her college boyfriend.
  • Find a new man.
  • Leave her husband Stan and start a new life on her own.

—What do you think she should do? What would you do?

3. As the book progresses, Betty develops an increasing dependency on alcohol. How do you think she should address the problem? Or should she simply ignore it?

4. Betty and her husband Stan have very mismatched sex drives. This causes problems in their marriage which they essentially choose to ignore. What do you think they should do to attempt to resolve this problem?

5. We know Betty is unhappy in her marriage. Both she and Stan have diversion in their careers, but it’s not enough for Betty. Do you think Stan is actively unhappy in the marriage as well?

6. Do you think Betty’s friendship with Gin has a positive or negative effect on her lifestyle? Why or why not?

7. Who or what do you think the title "The Passion Thief" refers to?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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