

Patrick's Journey 
Roy T. Humphreys, 2014
332 pp.
ISBN-13: 9780994193902

Patrick’s Journey is an historical fiction novel based on the real life history of one of Australia’s early convict settlers. It could be described as simply an entertaining “romance/adventure” novel, but the story goes deeper than that.

The “Journey” in the story is twofold, there is the physical journey from one mode of existence in Ireland to a completely different one in Australia and the emotional/spiritual journey that accompanies such drastic changes in Patrick’s world.

The synopsis of the novel is as follows:

Patrick Rourke is a 17 year old Irishman in the year of 1790. Like many young men he is patriotic, adventurous and headstrong. He also feels assured of a bright future with his sweetheart Catherine. Patrick’s world comes crashing down around him when he becomes a pawn in the political aspirations of the United Irishmen under Wolfe Tone. He finds himself in prison sentenced to transportation to the penal colony of New South Wales and begins a downward spiral into rage and depression.

Patrick’s saviour comes in the form of Father Michael O’Court, the chaplain of the prison ship Boddington. Over time Patrick is guided out of his depression and is able to accept the vastly different directions that his life’s journey has taken. He also finds an unlikely mentor in one Preston Balfour, a British Army officer who was originally his target for assassination, but who ultimately provides him with the means of restoring his life in a new land.

Patrick’s life is complete when tragic circumstances lead to him being reunited with Catherine for a new life in a new land. He comes to realise that the most important journey we travel is not measured in miles but by our changes within. (From the publisher.)

Author Bio
Birth—May 5, 1946
Where—Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Currently—lives in the suburbs of Sydney

Roy Humphreys is retired (from paid work) and lives with wife Denise and daughter Rachael in the southern suburbs of Sydney, NSW, Australia. His primary focus is now his family (four children, 8 grandchildren). He also finds time for running (cross country in the Royal National Park area), fishing and, sometimes, writing.

Patrick's Journey is based on the real life story of his great grandfather, 6 generations back, that he heard about at a family reunion many years ago. It was a story that he felt needed telling, but never had the time until retirement came in 2012. (From the author.)

Book Reviews
I loved this book! A gripping story from beginning to end. The characters in this book came to life immediately to tell a wonderful story of hope and love and never giving up.
C.C. Alpine, AL, USA - Amazon Customer Review

Brilliant story with historical basis. This is a great read!! The story is intriguing, the characters are very real, and it paints a detailed picture of living in the Ireland and Australia of yesteryear.
S.H. Woronora, New South Wales, Australia - Amazon Customer Review

Great Read. Patrick’s Journey, was a wonderful tale of a young patriotic youth that goes through many wrong doings and mistrials to become the man that he was supposed to be..... This book reminded me that you need to stay positive and try to take the high road in life.
R.M., Buffalo, NY USA - Amazon Customer Review

An enthralling book cleverly weaving fiction and fact. From the opening chapter I was drawn into this story, which was full of twists, plots and suspense.
D.O. Heathcote, New South Wales, Australia - Amazon Customer Review

Mr Humphries has done his research, and the resulting historical setting is well presented, with a lot of information woven into the narrative
Historical Novel Society

Discussion Questions
1. Was Patrick the architect of his own problems—or just a victim of circumstances?

2. Should Preston Balfour have done more to have Patrick’s conviction overturned once he became aware of the true circumstances?

3. What else could Catherine have done other than marry Terry?

4. Should Patrick have hidden his relationship with the aboriginal Shaun?

5. Was Patrick overcompensated for his military service by Preston Balfour?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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