

Book Reviews
Piranesi is a high-quality page-turner-even the most leisurely reader will probably finish it off in a day-but its chief pleasure is immersion in its strange and uncannily attractive setting.… Establishing that sense of totality—and the feeling of peacefulness that accompanies it—is Ms. Clarke's standout feat.
Sam Sacks - Wall Street Journal

Infinitely clever…. [N]one of [Clarke's] enchantment has worn off—it's evolved.… to abide in these pages is to find oneself happily detained in awe.
Washington Post

Could Piranesi match [the hype]? I'm delighted to say it has, with Clarke's singular wit and imagination still intact in a far more compressed yet still captivating tale you'll want to delve into again right after you read its sublime last sentence.
Boston Globe

The long-awaited followup to Jonathan Strange is even more magically immersive.… Here is a protagonist with no guile, no greed, no envy, no cruelty, and yet still intriguing.
Los Angeles Times

Enthralling [and] transcendent….  [T]he sweetness, the innocence of Piranesi's love for this world is devastating to read. Clarke's writing is clear, sharp—she can cleave your heart in a few short words.… The mystery of Piranesi unwinds at a tantalizing yet lightening-like pace—it's hard not to rush ahead, even when each sentence, each revelation makes you want to linger.

(Starred review) Clarke wraps a twisty mystery inside a metaphysical fantasy in her extraordinary new novel…. Sure to be recognized as one of the year's most inventive.
Publishers Weekly

(Starred review) Clarke creates an immersive world that readers can almost believe exists. This is a solid crossover pick for readers whose appreciation of magical fantasy leans toward V.E. Schwab or Erin Morgenstern. —Lucy Roehrig, Ann Arbor Dist. Lib., MI
Library Journal

(Starred review) As questions multiply and suspense mounts in this spellbinding, occult puzzle of a fable, one begins to wonder if perhaps the reverence, kindness, and gratitude practiced by Clarke's enchanting and resilient hero aren't all the wisdom one truly needs.

(Starred review) Readers who accompany [Piranesi] as he learns to understand himself will see magic returning to our world. Weird and haunting and excellent.
Kirkus Reviews