

Discussion Questions
1. Felicity is portrayed as a fanatic Catholic who believes Maureen usurped her role as the prophetess. Father Giralomo faced arguments with other fanatics in the confraternity when he spared Maureen’s life. Discuss religious extremism in the novel. How do the extreme views of Felicity move the plot? Can you identify examples of similar behavior seen today?

2. Did you know the story of Saint Felicity? What are your reactions to her view on faith? What did Lady Petronella say to anger her? How do these two women represent different paths in Christianity?

3. Father Giralomo and the Confraternity were threatened by Maureen’s views regarding sacred sexuality, or Hieros Gamos. How does the concept of Hieros Gamos fit into the novel? Peter wrestles with the idea of celibacy and what he found in the teachings of the Libro Rosso. What are your own views on sexuality and celibacy in regards to your faith? Do you know of other groups that have adopted the idea of Hieros Gamos for their beliefs? What other examples from literature or film have you encountered that explore this topic?

4. Immaculate Conception is explained as "‘the conscious conception of a much-desired child." How do the teachings of the Libro Rosso support this definition? Does this definition support or refute your beliefs of Immaculate Conception? Do your views stem from historical or religious teachings? Discuss the social impact of challenging the idea of Immaculate Conception.

5. Petra says, "There is only one way to find your twin soul, and that is to find yourself first." Twin souls, or soulmates, are a key part to the story. Discuss the concept of soulmates in relation to Berenger and Maureen. What are some of the ways they show the strength of their bond? Who are some other examples of soulmates in the book? Do you believe in soulmates?

6. In her quest for power, Vittoria tells Berenger he is the father of her child. How does this complicate the plot? How does Berenger reconcile his place in society with his spiritual beliefs and love for Maureen?

7. Berenger lies to Maureen about his relationship with Vittoria. Did you find this incongruous with his character? How does he rationalize the affair and his lying? How does this affect Maureen and what is her reaction? Do you think that if the roles were reversed, the outcome would have been the same? Do you think that Maureen was right to forgive him?

8. The Angelics are referred to as "geniuses possessed by divine inspiration." Discuss how the author identifies some of the Angelics as gifted artists because of their spirituality. How is creating art through the process of infusion important to the teachings of The Way? What examples of this are in the book? What were your first thoughts when Donatello presented the statue of Mary Magdalene as a beggar?

9. The author outlines the destiny of the Poet Prince as having been handed through some of history’s most notable characters. Which characters did you recognize and can you imagine their story as a Poet Prince? Discuss the meaning of this destiny as described through the various Poet Princes in the book. Can you identify other historical figures who may have fulfilled this prophecy?

10. Re-read the prophecy as recited by Rene d’ Anjou. Discuss the specific ways the story unfolds in relation to the prophecy. Discuss the concept of time in the prophecies, the plotline, and the book itself. Where else in the story is time a force?

11. Berenger faces the choice of pursuing duty with Vittoria versus happiness with Maureen. Destino explains that Berenger must past this test or he will have to remain on earth to keep teaching the lessons of The Way. What kept Destino alive all of these years?

12. Discuss the parallels in the characters of Lorenzo and Berenger and the notable plot points. Do they relate to their loved ones in similar or different manners? What choices do they make to uphold the teachings of The Way?

13. Are you sympathetic to the character of Clairice? How does the author portray her? What were your reactions to this portrayal?

14. Pope Sixtus IV says "Under no circumstance have I, the heir to the throne of Saint Peter, condoned murder. I have only said that a change in government to remove the poisonous Medici family from power would be extremely pleasing to your Holy Mother Church." Discuss the circumstances surrounding the murder of Giuliano de Medici. Who is responsible and what is the significance of where and when it takes place? Beyond power, what are some of the driving factors behind the attempted overthrow? How does the Florentine community react to the violence?

15. Spend a moment and discuss the characters of Colombina and Maureen. Do you think that Maureen and Colombina are alike? Do you relate to any of the characters in the book? What other novels have you read with courageous or memorable female characters?

16. Did you read The Expected One and The Book of Love? How does The Poet Prince compare? Do you identify with any of the characters? How are the characters in each time period alike? Do you see a pattern of “time returning” as you view these characters together, as all connected by “The Magdalene Line?”
(Questions by publisher.)

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