

Discussion Questions
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for The Portrait of a Lady:

1. In terms of plot, Lord Warburton is set up to fall in love with Isabel: he is uncertain what kind of woman he would find interesting enough to marry, is told about and warned off Isabel, jokingly, by Mr. Touchett, and there upon meets the young woman in question. What is it about Isabel that appeals to Warburton? Why does he whisper to Ralph Touchett that he has found his idea of an interesting woman?

2. Women who display independence and individualism seem to be an oddity in England. What early hints are we given that Isabel might upset long established social strictures by her insistence on her own freedom?

3. How would you describe the relationship that develops between Ralph and Isabel? What kind of character is Ralph?

4. Isabel is a bit of narcissist, wrapped up in herself. Talk about Isabel's sense of herself and, for instance, her desire to feel suffering. Don't neglect the alleged "ghost" she desires to see at Gardencourt. Also, what are Isabel's political views and how do they compare with those of Warburton's?

5. A major theme explored in Henry James's novels is the difference between American and European cultures and sensibilities. How do those differences play out in this novel? Consider the differences, for instance, between Isabel and Warburton's sisters, the Misses Molyneux (notice that James gives them no first names).

6. What does Henrietta Stackpole observe while visiting Gardencourt? What perspective does she bring to life among the aristocrats? What prompts her comment that Europe has changed Isabel? What does she mean? Why is she (Henrietta) pressing for Isabel to accept Goodwood?

7. Why does Isabel reject both Warburton's and Casper Goodwood's proposals of marriage?

8. Why does Ralph request that his father leave Isabel half of his fortune? Why does Isabel, later in San Remo, tell Ralph that she thinks the fortune may be bad for her? In what way, eventually, does this inheritance place Isabel in jeopardy?

9, Discuss Madame Merle—her talents, personality, her attitudes toward her own life, society, and money. What does Mrs. Touchett think of her and what do Ralph and Isabel think of her? American born, where does Merle stand in the American vs. European dichotomy that Henry James sets up.

10. What attracts Isabel to Gilbert Osmond? What does Ralph think of think of him? Which endangers Isabel more—her fortune or her overly romantic imagination?

11. Talk about the way that Merle and Osmond manipulate Isabel. Why is Isabel so oblivious to their schemes? Notice, though, Isabel's thoughts when she arrives at Osmond's villa: that it would be a very difficult place to get out of. In what way does James use a person's surroundings as an indication of his character?

12. Talk about Pansy, as well as her developing relationship with Isabel. How does Isabel view Osmond's daughter? How has her father treated her?

13. Why does Isabel accept Osmond's proposal while having refused the two other men? What do both Mrs. Touchett and Ralph warn her about—and how does Isabel defend her decision?

14. Three years into Isabel and Osmond's marriage, what has happened? What is the couple's relationship? How does Osmond treat Isabel? And where does Madam Merle stand in all of this—what do we eventually come to learn about her and Osmond's history?

15. Finally, Isabel returns to England to be with Ralph as he dies. Why does Isabel see the ghost this time? And most important, why does Isabel make the decision she does at the end?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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