

Book Reviews
With talent as keen as a new razor and generosity born of a humane heart, de los Santos offers an affecting story, brilliantly conceived characters and arresting prose.
Richmond Times-Dispatch

Two sisters struggle to please their smart, manipulative, and narcissistic father.... The slow fracturing of each sister’s perception of the other and the strong three-dimensional characters are exceptionally well crafted. And the predictability of the ending is more than made up for by the fact that de los Santos’s characters’ journeys are perfectly paced.
Publishers Weekly

Despite some modern melodrama, the author writes engagingly and creates complex and lovable characters who carry the story. Readers of character-based fiction with heartwarming, hopeful endings (e.g., books by authors such as Elizabeth Berg or Ann Hood) will love this one, too. —Melanie Kindrachuk, Stratford P.L., Ont.
Library Journal

(Starred review.) Emotionally potent, painfully honest, and, at times, delightfully funny, de los Santos’s latest is a must for fans of intelligent, thoughtful women’s fiction.

Half sisters who don't really know each other are brought together by their emotionally domineering father for reasons of his own... Despite intellectual pretentions, including lots of references to Middlemarch, de los Santos offers a comfort-food story in which men are either predators or perfect and women are both beautiful and brilliant.
Kirkus Reviews