

Discussion Questions
1. The title Precious Words refers to something Nico said to Emberly. What do you think he meant by “it feels like home”? How important were these words in expressing his love for her?

2. In the beginning, Emberly was hesitant to get involved with Nico because of his celebrity. Do you think Emberly’s feelings about his celebrity status were justified? If you were in her shoes, would you have reacted to his celebrity life the way she did? Have you ever known a celebrity?

3. Riccardo and Nico were life-long friends, even referring to each other as brother. Is it possible for close friends to be jealous of one another? Do you feel Nico had left Riccardo behind? What could have Nico done to prevent the situation?

4. Emberly was a career driven, goal oriented person, but she gave it all up to be with Nico. Would you have done the same thing?

5. Which character in Precious Words do you relate to the most and why?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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