

Discussion Questions
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for Pursuit of Honor:

1. Start at the beginning...which in this case is Extreme Measures, the back story to Pursuit of Honor. Have you read the first book? If so, does Vince Flynn do a good job of picking up where that story left off? Is it necessary to read Extreme Measures in order to understand Pursuit?

2. Pursuit of Honor is particularly relevant to the current national debate on interrogation methods. What parallels do you see in Flynn's book with politics in Washington, D.C., regarding tracking down and interrogating terrorists?

3. How does Mitch Rapp view terrorists and the threat they pose to the U.S.? Would you describe his views as complicated...or straightforward? In the pursuit of security, what kind of hero does this country need? Is Rapp that hero?

4. How does Rapp deal with the challenges against him from his own countrymen—Glen Adams and the Congressional oversight committee? Did you appreciate the way in which Rapp spoke out at the hearing? Where does Irene Kennedy fit into all of this?

5. Talk about Rapp and Mike Nash's relationship in this book (and in the previous one, if you've read it). How do events in the storyline affect their friendship/mentorship? What kind of character is Nash?

6. Was this story predictable (as some feel), or were you completely surprised (as others were) by the plot twists?

7. Does Pursuit of Honor deliver in terms of its genre as a political thriller: fast-paced, blood-pounding excitement, unexpected plot twists, heroic action? Or did it fall short of your expectations? Will you read other Vince Flynn books?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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