

Author Bio
Birth—June 9, 1992
Where—Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Education—Practitioner in Jimma University
Currently—Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Elias Gebru, or Elation Unifire as he likes to call himself, is a 23-year-old Ethiopian soul. Growing in one of the slums of Addis Ababa, experiencing and witnessing the hardships of the poor and the dissatisfaction of the rich, he realized the significance of humanity. Through his own enlightenment, he decided to dedicate himself to preach unity and sympathy.

His Muslim mother who was a writer (especially poems) and his Christian father who loved reading were his first inspirations towards literature. After his parents got divorced in his early childhood, he was forced to live in the middle of different religions, life styles and cultures. To understand this diversity he studied theology, comparative religion and read a lot. His mother died when he was 14 years old. As her only son he inherited her belongings, including her unpublished "Amharic" literature. This literature was the reasons he started writing.

Currently he is a fourth year medicine student at Jimma University, he has a certificate in comparative religion study, and he is editor of DANA, a quarterly bilingual magazine. He has also published Comment, a book in a local language and English. (From the author.)