

Discussion Questions
1. What do you think the setting of northern Alaska added to the novel?

2. Did your opinion of deafness change during the course of the novel? What did you think of Ruby’s character?

3. Do you think Yasmin should be blamed for taking Ruby with her on a perilous journey, as she blames herself? What would you have done?

4. What is your take on the use of Twitter in the novel?

5. What did you think of Matt’s story and the fracking eco-thriller strand?

6. In your reading of the novel, did you expect Matt to reappear?

7. There was a sense of menace in the novel that came from many elements. Which did you find the most threateningand why?

8. Did you enjoy the multiple viewpoints in the novel?

9. Which character did you most relate to and why?

10. Did you find the ending of the novel satisfying? Did it resolve itself in a way you would have expected it to?
(Questions from author's webpage.)

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