

Discussion Questions
1. Often in mythic tales the hero is separated from his or her parents and raised by another. What is significant about this element of the story?

2. Consider Kelsea's foster parents, Carlin and Barty. What does each contribute to her development and character?

3. A number of times Kelsea laments her isolation growing up, her not having siblings or close friends. How might this affect her behavior once she returns to the Keep?

4. Mace is a complex and mysterious character. What essential qualities does he possess? What kind of life experience might have formed these?

5. Kelsea is clearly drawn to the Fetch, despite his criminal and even violent ways. What does she see in him? How can a person who does such morally questionable things still be likable?

6. Kelsea is often said to have an "ungovernable temper." What might be the source of this anger? How does it serve her throughout the novel?

7. For much of her life, Kelsea idealizes her estranged mother, Queen Elyssa, but then finds her to be a flawed person. How does this affect Kelsea’s character?

8. It is said that Queen Elyssa wasn't evil but was weak. How are these different?

9. What is the significance of Kelsea's dreams and nightmares?

10. An epigraph from THE ARVATH ARCHIVE suggests that often, true heroic deeds are done in secret. What does such secrecy add? How might this be important to contemporary times of social media?

11. Much is made throughout the novel of Kelsea's "plain" appearance. What various effects might this lack of physical beauty have on her as a person and as a queen?

12. Consider the term "fey," seeing one's own death and exalting in it. How is it important to an understanding of Kelsea?

13. Javel assists the brutal work of Arlen Thorne as a way to possibly be reunited with Allie, his love lost to the slave trade. Does this justify his involvement? How would you describe his character?

14. Kelsea admits that Andalie possesses the qualities of a queen perhaps more than she does. What might she mean?

15. What's important about Marguerite, Thomas' beautiful slave freed by Kelsea?

16. Why is Kelsea so enamored of books and the idea of creating a new library, building a new printing press?

17. Kelsea experiences three wounds throughout the story to add to her burn scar. What's significant about these marks?

18. What do you think is next for the Queen of the Tearling?
(Questions issued by the publisher.)

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