

Discussion Questions
We'll add publisher questions if and when they're available; in the meantime, please use our LitLovers talking points to help start a discussion for The Reminders ...then take off on your own:

1. Joan Sully's memory of events in her life is infallible, and she wonders why other peoples' memories are so innacurate. As she says,

I don't understand how people can pretend something happened differently than it actually did, but Dad says they don't even realize they're pretending.

Why are human memories inaccurate? Is it because we want our life to be "like fairy tales… simpler and funnier and hahppier and more exciting than how life really is"? How accurate are your own memories (how would you know, of course, but do others ever challenge your version of events)?

2. What are the downsides of having a perfect memory — for Joan and those around her?

3. Talk about Gavin Winter's reaction to the death of Sydney — his need to rid himself of all the reminders of their life together. What is your reaction to Gavin's reaction?

4. How does Gavin respond to Joan when they first meet? How does he think she can help him? What does Gavin begin to learn about Sydney through Joan?

5. What happens to a person's understanding of someone when new information emerges about that individual? How unnerving would that be? How unnerving is it to Gavin when he learns that Sydney seemed to be hiding secrets from him?

6. (Follow-up to Question 5) The question the book explores is this: what is identity? Is it possible to truly know someone? If your perceptions of someone turnout to be far different from reality, what is "reality" — and who is that person?

7. One reviewer has written that this story tugs at the heartstrings without turning maudlin. Do you agree? If so, how does the author accomplish it — what prevents the novel from becoming saccharine?

8. Joan and Gavin tell their stories in alternating chapters. Why might the author have chosen shifting point-of-views? Does this stucture enhance or detract from your enjoyment? How would you describe the two characters? Do you find them appealing, engaging, believable?
9. What does Gavin come to understand about both himself and Sydney by the end of the novel? How is Joan changed by the end?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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