

Discussion Questions
1.  Although the book, Rest Now, Beloved is specific to a place and time, what human issues are presented to readers that are universal and common?

2.  How does the relationship between Pete McGraw and Sera Schilling evolve in the book?

3.  Pete McGraw's police journal is the key to solving the mystery. Why does Lee wait until near the end of the story to present it?

4.  If you were to choose a single adjective to describe your feelings at the end of the book, Rest Now, Beloved, what word would you choose and why?

5.  What drives Sera Schilling?

6.  What drives Pete McGraw?

7.  What are your impressions of the fictional character, Paco? Was his character developed enough to create suspense? Why did author Lee keep his character in the background?

8.  In what ways does Rest Now, Beloved differ from typical mysteries or cold case novels?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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