

2010 Book Reviews — Themes

 . . . and the Books

Dec '10 — Time's (Crooked) Arrow
Time appears to us as a steady forward movement. This month's books disrupt its normal flow—and two of the books do curioius things with aging.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
A Visit from the Goon Squad
The Picture of Dorian Gray

Nov '10 — Rock-Paper-Scissors
ROCK for the fossils at Lyme Regis, PAPER for an international newspaper, and SCISSORS for the medical profession satirized in Sinclair Lewis's Pulitzer-Prize-winning novel.

Remarkable Creatures
The Imperfectionists

Oct '10 — Work, If You Can Get It
A tribute to everyday heroes who labor in the underbelly—the infernos of restaurant kitchens, coal mines, and assembly linesto make life habitable for the rest of us.

Last Night at the Lobster
Coal Run
Studs Terkel's Working

Sept'10 — Tudor History - Herstory
The momentous events surrounding Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn: three books follow the same figures...yet a hero in one is a villain in another. Who says history is dull?

Briref Gaudy Hour
Wolf Hall
A Man for All Seasons

May '10 — The Good, Bad & the Ugly
A nod to the iconic Clint Eastwood Western—with it's stark mix of heroes and villains. This month's books remind us it's not always so easy to tell who's good...and who's not.

The Pursuit of Alice Thrift
Mr. Golightly's Holiday

April '10 — Urban Mysterioso
Cities lend themselves to the mysterious—their immensity, anonymity, and teeming diversity make them ideal settings for the fantastic.

When You Reach Me
The City and the City
The Quincunx

Mar '10 — M is for Magic
Despite our knowledge of science—from the big bang to the human cell—we continue to strain to the possibilibies of magic.

The Magician's Elephant
The Magicians
The Magus

Feb '10 — True Grit
Three real-life Americans who helped shaped their country—courageous, persevering, inventive, they found ways to do what needed to be done.

Half Broke Horses
Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Jan '10 — Coming of Age
Young people, crossing over the threshold into the adult world, often find that passage bittersweet, even searing, as they leave their innocent childhoods behind.

Sag Harbor
A Gate at the Stairs
A Separate Peace