

Rivak's War
Marilyn Oser, 2013
Mill City Press
268 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781626520509

Russia, 1914. Rivka, daughter of a prosperous boot maker, seems destined by tradition for marriage and the humdrum rounds of shtetl life.

Then war breaks out, and things go badly for the tsar’s army. When demoralized troops begin deserting their posts in the trenches, one unlikely officer recruits a battalion of girls to set an example for the men.

Rivka seizes upon this chance for adventure as her once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do something great in the world. She signs on, never suspecting the terrors that await her, or the trials that will test her, or the mishaps that will take her from the frozen steppes of Siberia to the hot, dusty hills of Palestine.

Based on actual events, Rivka’s War is a riveting tale of loss and survival. In vivid detail, it portrays the impact of the Great War on Jewish life, re-creating a vanished world. (From the author.)

Author Bio
Marilyn Oser lives in New York’s Hudson Valley and on Long Island. A Ph.D. in language and literature, she has taught English and history and has raised funds for arts, environmental and community organizations. Author of the novel Playing for Keeps and the blog Streets of Israel, she is a recipient of the University of Michigan’s coveted Avery Hopwood Prize for excellence in writing. (From tha author .)

Book Reviews
A figure steps forward from history and shows herself to be a strong and courageous character. In Rivka's War, Marilyn Oser gives us a hero to cheer. A thoughtful and inspiring novel.
Susan Issacs

Outstanding....Five stars.

Fran Lewis, Just Reviews

Discussion Questions
1.  Many of the chapters in Rivka’s War are named for characters in the story.  How does Rivka change and grow from her encounter with each of them?  Which ones become role models for her?

2. One chapter is called “The Land.” How is the land also a kind of character that has its affect on Rivka?

3. Rivka wonders how she and Mischa have ended up on opposite sides of a political divide.  How do you account for this?

 4. Twice in Rivka's War, Rivka plunges into a deep depression. What are the factors that cause this?  What factors help her overcome it?

 5. Yashka is based on a historical figure. What attributes do you admire in her?  What do you find less than admirable, even reprehensible?

 6. Did biblical references in the novel enlarge your understanding of the events as they unfold?

 7. Many horrifying scenes are portrayed in this novel, though these are mild compared to what actually occurred in Russia and Palestine during the war and its aftermath.  Are such scenes appropriate in this novel? In any novel?

 8. The story is based on events that happened a hundred years ago. What relevance does it have for our lives today?
(Questions provided courtesy of the author.)

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