

Book Reviews
A lively blend of suspense, comedy, and paranormal fiction and women’s fiction, Romance Reader’s Guide to Life pulls the reader into the post WW II life of two sisters, one a daring, world wise woman eager to find and exercise her power as an adult, the other a shy bookworm who never quite manages to fit in neatly with what the world expects of a woman. With touching irony, it turns out that the more experienced of the two is not as adept at seeing people for who they are as her less worldly sister. Fans of Hoffman’s Practical Magic will appreciate the touch of whimsy that turns what might have been a heavy handed sermon of a story in the hands of a less adroit writer into a touching portrayal of the bond sisters share.  Read more
Clara Kless - LitLovers

Beautiful and perfectly paced.

Haunting yet touching.… Equal parts beautiful and heartbreaking, rippling outward like a pebble in a lake.
Charleston Post and Courier

One of those books that pulls and tugs at you.
Denver Post

[A] tongue-in-cheek commentary on the influence of romances on societal expectations.… This is simultaneously the leisurely coming-of-age of two sisters, a bodice-ripper pastiche, and a psychological thriller that never truly embraces its romantic aspects.
Publishers Weekly

A compelling mix of mystery, love, family dynamics, and growing up. Smart and smartly told.… A pirate romance novel, as unlikely as that seems, plays an important role, revealing to Neave some of the secrets of life.
Library Journal

Equal parts mystery, romance, and family saga, with a dash of dark comedy, this book has something for fans of all genres.

[A] zesty fictional stew. The author throws us off balance from the get-go, as older sister Lilly opens the story by revealing that she’s dead.… Smart, funny, and compulsively readable: this one may finally win the under-recognized author the wider audience her talent deserves.
Kirkus Reviews