

Book Reviews
If you’ve ever felt the sting of death from the loss of one you love, Smith’s book will lead you into a warm, inviting room.
Knight Ridder

One of those profound, special books that only comes along once in awhile.

There's some serious theology here, but communicated in a way that brings it to life, as a story…Highly recommended.
Christian Fiction Review

Revealing the hope of heaven, this book gives more than platitudes. It portrays a different—and comforting—mindset about death, showing in story form that for the Christian, what appears to be death is really life. Though I’ve never lost someone close to me, it will be the first book I reach for when I do. If you can’t find the words to say to a friend who has lost someone, let Room of Marvels speak for you.
Katie Hart - Christian Book Previews

[All of what Tim encounters in the dream] sounds very kitschy and schtick-y.... Yet it's not. Smith, who is Chaplain and Assistant Professor of Theology at Wichita's Friends University, has crafted a deceptively simple and psychologically clever read about the things—thing, really—that matter most to Christian faith.