

Book Reviews
Harmel injects new life into a well-worn story… about the struggle to find normalcy amid the horrors of WWII.… [An] emotionally fraught story… [and] celebration of those…who found the courage to face life head-on.
Publishers Weekly

[F]ocusing primarily on the development of a wartime romance rather than on immersive details of life under German occupation…. [Harmel] does create likable if somewhat cliched protagonists… [but] the book's ending feels…emotionally manipulative. —Mara Bandy Fass, Champaign P.L., IL
Library Journal

Harmel writes a poignant novel based loosely on the true story of an American woman who helped on the Comet Line, which rescued hundreds of airmen and soldiers. This compelling story celebrates hope and bravery in the face of evil.