

Discussion Questions
1. The connection between Alina and the Darkling has changed in Ruin and Rising. How? Why? What does this change mean for each of them and how does it affect the events of the book?

2. Genya undergoes a big physical transformation throughout the series. How does her personality change too? What does Genya mean when she says, “I am not ruined. I’m ruination”?

3. What does the Apparat want from Alina? What methods does he use to try to manipulate her? How does she manipulate him?

4. What motives might the Darkling have for telling Alina his real name? How does she use this knowledge?

5. Alina says that David’s crime is a hunger for knowledge, not power. How does David’s way of thinking help and hurt Alina’s cause? How is David different from Morozova, and how is he the same?

6. Nikolai and Alina are allies. What are his reasons for wanting to marry her? How does she feel about those reasons and the idea of being his queen?

7. Why does Baghra decide to tell Alina the story of her childhood? How does it help Alina? What part of the story does Alina misinterpret and why do you think she makes this mistake?

8. Alina and Zoya start out as enemies. How does their relationship change? Why does Alina choose Zoya to be one of the people to lead the Grisha at the end of the story?

9. What happens to Alina’s power at the end of the book? Why? How does this affect her future and her understanding of her past? Why does Harshaw choose to fight on?

10. Alina’s side? Why do Tolya and Tamar stay loyal to her? What are the motives of some of her other allies? 

11. What are the Darkling’s strengths as a leader? Why do people choose to follow him? Why does Sergei make the choice that he does?

12. Alina and Mal have a long history together. How does this infl uence their friendship? Their romance? How does it make their relationship stronger? How does it hold them back?

13. Why does the Darkling choose to punish Nikolai the way that he does? How does Nikolai’s transformation affect him, both physically and mentally, by the end of the book?
(Questions issued by the publisher.)

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