

Author Bio
Raised—New Jersey, USA
Education—B.A., Vassar; Boston University, Ph.D
Awards—Florence Randall Award; Henfield Founda-
   tion's Transatlantic Review Award
Currently—lives in Brookline, Massachusetts

Daphne Kalotay grew up in New Jersey and graduated from Vassar College before moving to Massachusetts, in 1993, to attend Boston University's Creative Writing Program. There her stories went on to win the school's Florence Engel Randall Fiction Prize and a Transatlantic Review Award from The Henfield Foundation.

She remained at BU to complete a PhD in Modern and Contemporary Literature, writing her doctoral dissertation on the works of Mavis Gallant. (Her interviews with Mavis Gallant can be read in The Paris Review's Writers-At-Work series.)

Daphne has received fellowships from the Christopher Isherwood Foundation, the La Napoule Foundation, Yaddo and the MacDowell Colony, and is a grateful recipient of the W.K. Rose Fellowship in the Creative Arts from Vassar College.

She has taught creative writing at Boston University, Middlebury College and Skidmore College and lives in Brookline, Massachusetts. Her first novel, Russian Winter, published in 2010, was a finalist in the James Jones First Novel.  (From the publisher.)