

Discussion Questions
1. Describe how Oksana’s life was different in Russia than in the US.

2. Therapeutic horses have been proven to help special-needs children. What do you think contributes to the success of this theory?

3. Do you think RAD, reactive attachment disorder, is more prevalent in post-institutionalized children or foster children?

4. What did Oksana leave Ruzina in the orphanage?

5. How many children are being re-homed as a result of RAD? (Re-homed is when parents place their RAD children in other homes because they can’t cope with this disorder.)

6. What does our country do with unwanted children versus other countries? Is there a better way?

7. What were the emotional scenes? Did you cry? Why/why not?

8. If Oksana were a real character alive today how would her past affect who she is as a mother, employee, or wife?

9. What did you learn from reading this novel?

10. What genre would you say this book fits? Is it for young adults or women?

11. What tense was the book written in?

12. Would you have preferred to read it from Katie’s point-of-view too?

13. Do you think children with RAD can become well-functioning adults? Why/why not?

14. Why do you think Oksana was closer to Laura than Katie?

15. Were the characters believable? Why/why not?
(We'll add specific questions if and when they're made available by the publisher.)

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