

Discussion Questions
1. Which character grows most as a person throughout The Secret Son?

2. Can Glenda Wilson & Karen Shaw ever be friends?

3. By all accounts, Liam Murtagh was a loving father and loyal friend & neighbour. Does his act of cowardice in choosing to reveal his secret only after his death undo or undermine these positive attributes?

4. What is the significance of the house the Shaws use in Wicklow being situated by an isolated beach?

5. Is Karen Shaw likeable, unlikeable or a bit of both? Why?

6. Give examples of how the sea is used to mirror the emotions of the characters.

7. Which of the Murtagh children do you feel the most sorry for and why?

8. Who in The Secret Son would you like to have as a (a) parent, (b) sibling, and (c) child, and why?

9. If the Murtagh's had formally contested Liam's will in court and you were the judge, would you change the will?

10. What is The Secret Son's message about keeping the past hidden?

11. Is Liam in any way redeemed by Karen Shaw's revelation at the end of the book?

12. How would the book be different if Andrew Shaw was, and always had been, perfectly healthy?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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