

Discussion Questions
1. Running away rather than confronting uncomfortable situations is one of the themes of the book. What situations, past or present, is Leslie fleeing? Are the potential consequences she fears emotional, physical, or both?

2. What other characters in the book are seeking to run away from something, and how does that avoidance express itself? What pitfalls do they encounter as a result?

3. In the early part of the book the relationship between Leslie and Jay is tense and wary. What events eventually lead them to realize they may have misjudged one another?

4. How does Adele’s voice (first person/present tense) contribute to the overall ‘flavor’ of the book? Did you have trouble with the idea of her story being told from beyond the grave?

5. Do you have a favorite passage or scene from the book, and if so, what about it speaks to you?

6. The book includes two women who evolve deeply as a result of story events. Discuss how Leslie and Adele change, learn, and grow over the course of the book, ad what specific events evidence this growth?  

7. Discuss Henry’s strengths and weakness. Though Adele never stops loving him, how does her perception of him change as the book progresses? How did you feel about his decision to send Jemmy away?

8. How does Leslie’s sense of “family” evolve over the course of the novel, and what events or discoveries specifically influence that evolution.

9. Discuss the concepts of forgiveness and redemption and how they are addressed in the book. Which characters require redemption and why? Which characters bestow forgiveness, and how is it shown?

10. The heart wants what it wants is repeated several times throughout the book. Do you see Adele relinquishing Maggie to Susanne as an act of strength or weakness? Does love justify any action?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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