

Discussion Questions
1. Is there one character you relate to more than any other in this story? If so, why?

2. How well do you think Francesca Hornak captures the family dynamic of a week in quarantine over the holidays?

3. Do you think it was better/right for Andrew to conceal his one-off infidelity with Jesse’s mother? Or should he have spoken up and told Emma at the time?

4. Why did Olivia stay away from her family for so long? Have you ever experienced the feeling of not being able to be yourself with your family?

5. Discuss the sibling rivalry between Olivia and Phoebe. Why do you think we, as adults, fall into old roles when home with family? Have you experienced this?

6. What do you think kept Phoebe and George together for six years?

7. Did you empathize with the way each character reacted to Jesse’s surprise arrival? Did you empathize with Jesse?

8. Is there a moral lesson that each character takes away with them at the end of the story? If so, what is that lesson?

9. What are the main themes in the story?

10. Do you like the way the story is told from multiple points of view?

11. The end is tinged with tragedy and hope. How did the ending affect you?

12. What do you imagine or hope would happen next for each of the members of the Birch family after the closing pages of the book?

(Questions issued by the publisher.)

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