

Discussion Questions
1. The novel is closely based on a real life event in Einstein's youth, during his time at the Zurich Polytechnic. How many people know Einstein sired an illegitimate daughter, and what was her fate?

2. Taking Sherlock Holmes out of his "comfort zone" of London left him with a fast learning track to go along in deepest Serbia. How much research do you think an author needs to do to get the facts and atmosphere right, in this case Serbia in 1905?  (Answer, it took Tim Symonds 3 years and about 30 books)

3. How well does it work for a fictitious character, Sherlock Holmes, to investigate a real and larger-than-life character like Albert Einstein?  The author found it really interesting because millions in the world truly believe Holmes existed while millions can imagine Einstein as some figment of the world of science's collective mind
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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