

Discussion Questions
1. SotP is set in the mid-1600s in France. Does this time period work best for this story?    

2. Elise is a spoiled brat. Why do you think she acts this way? Would the story have been better or worse if Elise had been a good person at the start?

3. Elise treats Pierre like dirt under her feet. Is this realistic? Pierre fought back, treating her with as much distain. Have you ever felt like someone treated you this way? What was your reaction?

4. Pierre falls in love Elise long before she falls in love with him. Is this possible? Was it love or something else? Have you ever had that kind of slow-building chemistry with someone you've met, either in a friendship or a romantic relationship? Do you believe it's a physical response or an emotional one?

5. Pierre kills many Asmodai after Lomo loses his life. Where do you think he found the strength, fortitude, or hatred (whatever you want to call it) to rush into battle with nary a thought? Did he deserve the berating the centaurs gave him?

6. Did you find the jealousy of Elise toward Anya substantiated? Do people actually fly off the handle like that, not believing in their lovers?

7. If you were writing the ending of Elise and Pierreā€™s story, what would it be?

8. SotP is the first in a series of four. Is the rest of the series needed or can it stand on its own?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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