

Discussion Questions
1. Why was Eva attracted to the mission of helping people by doing little things for them?

2. Why did Eva respond to the discovery of her father’s infidelity the way she did?

3. What do Eva and Ramona have in common other than the fact that they are pediatric nurses at the same hospital?

4. What does Eva learn by sharing with Ramona her discovery about her father?

5. How does Eva’s experience with her father make her susceptible to Marek’s appeal in the Recovery Room?

6. What makes Eva believe that she can love Marek no matter what he does?

7. What do Eva and Juliana have in common other than the fact that their husbands are involved in international banking?

8. What important insights about herself does Eva gain from her conversations with Juliana?

9. In one conversation with Juliana, Eva talks about the Jungian concept of reconciling the past and the future. Why is Eva unable to do this?

10. What do Eva and Francis have in common other than the fact that they are both taking the same course at the University of London?

11. What important insights about her husband does Eva gain from her conversations with Francis?

12. Did Marek’s personal needs jeopardize his political mission?

13. Why does Eva trust Marek and believe everything he says?

14. Is Eva’s commitment to her mission compromised by her devotion to her husband?

15. While Marek is testing Eva’s love for him, is he also testing her faith in God?

16. Who do you think betrayed Marek?

17. Do you think what happens to Eva supports the notion that in spite of all the advice we get from other people, we can learn only from our own experience?
(Questions courtesy of author.)

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