

Book Reviews
Chen’s debut illustrates a young woman caught between east and west, and between family tradition and her own ambition.... [A] lighthearted glimpse into the rapidly changing culture and economy of Singapore, and into the lives of the young people hoping to find their future there.
Publishers Weekly

When Gretchen Lin returns to her family home in decide what to do about the unfaithful husband she left behind in California.... Gretchen’s journey of self-discovery forms the backbone of this story about family, tradition, and honor. [A] behind-the-scenes look at the world of artisanal soy sauce. —Cortney Ophoff
Library Journal

East or West, music studies or the family business, authentic soy sauce or a cheaper modern alternative? These are the choices facing droopy Gretchen Lin in a pleasant if generic tale of roots and romance.... [S]hort on depth and complexity...given the conventional flavor of Chen's readable but lightweight debut.
Kirkus Reviews