

Discussion Questions
These Questions were prepared by Jane Ferko who has generously shared them with LitLovers. Thank you, Jane!

1. What was Adam’s reaction to the Stranger and his story? Did he believe it at first?

2. We are only told about Adam’s feelings throughout the book. Why did the author not let us in on Corrine’s thoughts or feelings at all?

3. When the men from the soccer team came to Adam and told him Corrine had taken the money from the soccer fund what was his reaction?

3. The author, Harlan Coben, was asked in an interview why he wrote about ordinary people whose live change in a few dramatic moments. What do you think?

4. Have you ever known someone who faked pregnancy (other than on TV soap operas)? Why did Corrine do this? Why did Suzanne do it? Were their reasons the same?

5. Kuntz killed Heidi because she wouldn’t tell him anything that would lead him to the Stranger and Ingrid. Why was he so desperate to find out? Why did he need money so badly? Would the average person be able to justify killing someone for this reason?

6. What was the premise Chris (the Stranger) used to justify what they did? Why did they ask for money? Did this mean their cause wasn’t as moral as they initially felt it was? Did you notice that they called the people they approached their VICTIMS? What does that indicate?

7. Why did they not approach Corrine before they told Adam and try to get money from her? Were you surprised when Chris revealed the truth about why they did not?

8. The story took a big turn when Adam learned what really happened to Corrine and why. Do you believe someone would be capable of such a thing against someone who was suqpposed to be a friend (Corrine)? How would you feel if your friends conspired against you in this way?

9. What do you think happened to Mr and Mrs Rinsky? Did they have to leave their home? Were you disappointed we were not told?

10. Is the Tracker App that Corrine put on their phones a good thing? How could it be used for good or bad purposes? Would you want a family member to put one on your phone without telling you?

11. Joanna became a heroine to Adam when she rescued and helped him setup Tripp’s murder as a suicide. What motivated her to help Adam go after the Stranger?

12. How did killing Tripp affect Adam—how was it changing his life?

13. What one word would you use to describe the story? Use one word to describe the writing style.

14. Overall, does the book live up to the standards of a good mystery or crime story? Explain your  reason for saying yes or no.

(Questions developed by Jane Ferko. Please feel free to use them, online and off, with attribution to LitLovers...and Jane. Thanks.)

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