

Discussion Questions
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Also, consider these LitLovers talking points to start a discussion for Stranger in a Strange Land:

1. The title of Heinlein's novel is taken from Exodus 2:22 in the Old Testament.

And she bare him a son, and he called his name Gershom: for he said, I have been a stranger in a strange land.

Why might Heinlein have used the verse? Is there a larger Biblical relationship to the novel?

2. How does Earth in Heinlein's unspecified future differ from the Earth we know today?

3. Aside from language, what are the cultural differences between life on Mars and life on Earth? What must Mike learn in order to adapt to life among humans, e.g., religion, war, and, sex? What else?

4. What does it mean to be a "water brother"?

5. Mike explains that God is "one who groks," and from there he goes on to reveal the Martian concept of life as "Thou art God." Explain! What does "grok" mean?

6. How is human sexuality portrayed in this book? In what way does Mike's sexual awakening parallel his spiritual growth?

7. What is the fourth dimension—where Mike sends the government agents chasing him?

8. Talk about Mike's psychic powers. How has he come by them? How does Jill eventually learn to use them?

9. Talk about the Fosterites— their religious concepts and practices. What is their interest in Mike?

10. SPOILER ALERT: What do you suppose occurs in the private confrontation between Mike and Digby, after which Digby disappears? Why has the author withheld that information?

11. Follow-up to Question 10: Why does Mike feel that he made the best decision possible under the circumstances?

12. How would you describe the Church of All Worlds? What is its central message? What is its appeal? Why do people who initially reject the message later become devoted followers, including Ben?

13. Mike worries that humanity has become stuck in its own unhappiness and strife. What do you think?

14. Is Heinlein's novel anti-feminist? Or does it offer an empowering message for women?

15. SPOILER ALERT: Why does Mike decide to sacrifice himself at the novel's end?

16. SPOILER ALERT Is this a religious book? Is it anti-religious or blasphemous? Does the story parallel the life of Jesus? Or the archangel Michael?

17. What does this book satirize?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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