

Discussion Questions

1. Describe the two ways in which the concept of "ransom" applies to the story.
2. Can a CPS social worker really interview a child at his/her school without parental permission?
3. Why does Kika think Ann is a bad mother?
4. How many people have been killed in Mexico in the past five years in the drug wars?
5. Why does Kika feel she has to prove that she can protect a child?
6. Why does Max Ruiz hate his cousin Julio so much?
7. What does Richard mean when he says that Ann engages in "magical thinking?"
8. Why does Ann feel she needs to be forgiven?
9. Why did Kika's mother Antonia collect information on Nora March?
10. Why does Chet think that being a "fanatic" is a good thing?
11. What do Chet and his mother Nora argue about?
12. How does Ann change at the end of the book?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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