

Discussion Questions
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for Summer Blowout:

1. Summer Blowout, while not a fount for heavy philosophical discussion, can still yield up some good questions about family, loyalty, trust, and love. So start with Bella's family—what did you find funny about them...or irritating. A fun family to be a part of? Any comparisons to your own family? Family businesses...good idea?

2. Then, of course, there's Bella's sister Sophia. What a b.... um, back-stabber, dating Bella's ex-husband. Do sisters (even half-sisters...why is that important in the story do you think?) really DO that?

3. Talk the about the irony of Bella as a make-up artist, skilled at covering up flaws, bruises, dark spots...etc. How does this apply to her own life? Then, of course, there's the irony of all of Bella's wedding jobs.

4. Sean...see it coming? Predictable?

5. Of course, Blowout is about a woman who surmounts an emotional trauma, changing her life to achieve happiness and fulfillment. A realistic picture of what happens to women (or men) after suffering losses? Is it possible in real life to put all that pain behind us and forge a new life? Or is this the stuff of romance novels, movies, and dreams?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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