

Discussion Questions
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How to Discuss a Book (helpful discussion tips)
Generic Discussion Questions—Fiction and Nonfiction
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for Sunday's at Tiffany's:

1. Patterson's novel merges the boundaries of the natural and supernatural worlds. Many individuals...and many cultures believe those two worlds are actually more closely integrated than everyday reality and science suggests. Where do you fall in this? Guardian angels...yes or no?

2. A number of authors penetrate the boundaries between the natural and supernatural? Can you think of any; if so, how are their works similar to or different from Sundays at Tiffany's?

3. Talk about the root causes of Jane's feelings of loneliness, both as a child and adult? Is a mother's withholding of love and affection cause enough for a life-long sense of emptiness?

4. Discuss Patterson's characters—particuarly Jane and her mother. Are they are fully developed, emotionally complex individuals...or one-dimensional caricatures?

5. Some readers felt the ending was too pat, that it held no surprises. What about you?

6. Early on there are hints that Jane suffers from a serious but undisclosed medical condition. Is this condition ever revealed?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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